14093 Mill Street | PO Box 420 | Collins, New York 14034 | Phone: (716) 532-4874



Program Coordinators

Scott Martindale, Seniors Program Coordinator
Pat Tucker, Seniors Program Assistant
Phone: (716) 532-2006 Ext. 21
Email: [email protected]

The 50-Plus Senior Program is open to all area residents age 50 years and up living in the tri-county area. There are no membership dues and activities are free unless otherwise noted. The Center is closed on all legal holidays. 

In case of inclement weather - watch channel 2 WGRZ - TV, or Channel 4 WIVB - TV for the latest updates to check if Collins 50 Plus Senior Program activities at the L.K. Painter Center are cancelled.

Salvation Army Help

Special Events and Information

For all 50-Plus Senior trips make checks or money orders payable to:  Town of Collins and send to Town of Collins, Attn: Trips, P. O. Box 420, Collins, NY 14034